@extends('Myadmin::layout.basic') @section('content')

{{{ trans($_CONST["LANG_DEST"].".title")}}}

{{ Form::open(array( 'class'=>'form-horizontal well'))}}
{{{ trans($_CONST["LANG_DEST"].".select_class")}}}: {{ Form::select('id', $categories, 0, array('class' => 'form-control') )}}
{{ Form::close()}}
{{-- Notification that number of products in warehouse is smaller than stock threshold!! --}} {{-- --}}
{{-- Notification that number of products in warehouse is smaller than stock threshold!! --}}
{{-- {{{ trans($_CONST["LANG_DEST"].".create_action")}}} {{{ trans($_CONST["LANG_DEST"].".manage_class") }}} --}}
@foreach ($products as $product) id}} > {{-- --}} @endforeach
{{ $categories[$product->category_id] }} {{ $product->product_code }} {{ $product->title }} {{ $product->format }} {{ $product->price }} {{ $product->selling_price }} {{ Form::text('available_amount', $product->available_amount, array('class' => 'form-control'))}}/{{ $product->stock_amount }} {{ Form::text('stock_amount', $product->stock_amount, array('class' => 'form-control'))}} {{ Form::select('special_case', array('無' => '無', '限量商品' => '限量商品', '熱銷商品' => '熱銷商品') , $product->special_case, array('class' => 'form-control' ))}} {{ $bonusoption[$product->bonus_category_id] }} {{ Form::select('is_available', array('上架' => '上架', '下架' => '下架') , $product->is_available, array('class' => 'form-control'))}} {{ $product->type }} {{ Form::open(array( 'route'=>array('admin.product.destroy', $product->id), 'method' => 'delete') )}} 操作 推播 編輯 刪除 {{ Form::close()}}